How Long Do Hermit Crabs Live? Dive Into the Longevity of These Unique Creatures!

How Long do Hermit Crabs Live

Table of Contents

How Long Do Hermit Crabs Live – Introduction

I have great memories of visiting the beach as a young boy and being fascinated by the hermit crabs we found. Finding one tucked away in the sand and watching it scurry around was so exciting.

Now as a family with my two boys, our family still loves exploring the tidal pools together to discover hermit crabs and other captivating sea creatures. Spotting a hermit crab emerging from its shell or scrambling across the rocks still brings a rush of excitement!

How Long do Hermit Crabs Live - Rock Pool

These days, hermit crabs are great pets that lots of people adore. Unlike other tiny critters, hermit crabs can stick around for many years if you take good care of them. But how long do hermit crabs live? What’s the true lifespan of a hermit crab? In this post, we’ll unravel the mysteries around how long these captivating creatures can groove in your home.

Hermit crabs are awesomely unique pets. They’re actually little decapod crustaceans, which means they have 10 legs and hard outer shells. They’re called “hermit” crabs because they don’t have a shell of their own, so they have to borrow empty shells left behind by other animals to protect their fragile hindparts. They’ll happily upgrade into bigger and better shell “homes” when they grow.

These dudes are social and move relatively slow compared to other pets. Once you get to know them, hermit crabs can make outstandingly tubular pets!

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Overview of Hermit Crab Biology and Behavior

Hermit crabs are tiny critters with a big personality! They have 10 legs like all crustaceans, with their front pair of legs shaped like mighty pincers. They use these pincers to scoop up grub and defend themselves if needed.

Hermit crabs don’t naturally have their own protective shell, so they cleverly bunk up in abandoned seashells or snail shells to shield their hindparts. They’ll eagerly “trade up” their mobile home by moving into a new, larger shell when they grow.

These dudes are actually pretty social, despite their name! They will happily live together with other hermit crabs in a tank or habitat. They sometimes gather in piles or conga lines, crawling over each other in a hermit crab hangout session.

Hermit crabs move at a slow, steady pace compared to speedy little fish. But these chill crustaceans make up for their lack of speed with oodles of personality once you get to know them! Their behaviors and antics will have you grinning ear to ear.

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Typical Lifespan in Captivity

So how long can you expect your new hermit crab pal to live? The average lifespan for a hermit crab kept as a pet is around 4-5 years. But don’t worry, that’s not their final countdown! With proper care, food, and digs, your crabby friend can cruise through life for 10-12 years. Now that’s a good, long life for such a pint-sized pet!

In the wild, hermit crabs live much shorter lives of only 1-2 years. With so many dangers from predators, illness, and injury, survival can be tricky for these little dudes. As pets, we give them a shell-ter (sorry!) from harm and provide everything they need to thrive.

Their lifespan as pets blows their wild cousins out of the water! Give your crab the right habitat, temp, humidity, nutrition, and their lifespan will rock on for over a decade in your pad.

Factors that Influence How Long Hermit Crabs Live

What helps these rockin’ crustaceans live so long as pets? Proper housing, temp, humidity, food, and molting opportunities are key for longevity. With good conditions, they can chill axin’ through life!

Bad habitats, poor nutrition, and illnesses are kryptonite. Avoiding predator attacks and injuries also helps them live longer.

 Having the right seashell home, lots of space to roam, and sandbox-like substrate for burrowing allows a happy crab. Keep their tank air between 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit, and humidity around 75-85%.

Feed them a solid diet with fruits, veggies, proteins and calcium. Give them a swimming pool for fresh and salt water too! Also let them molt properly to grow. Do this stuff right, and you’ll have a crab rave party for years!

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Tips for Maximizing Hermit Crab Lifespan

Want your hermit crab friend to live it up with you for over a decade? Then jam out to these tips for giving them an epic lifespan!

First, deck out your crab with a properly sized shell so they can chillax inside. Then pimp their crib—we’re talking a 10+ gallon aquarium filled with at least 6 inches of sandy substrate so they can dig tunnels to molt.

Keep the tank between 70-80°F and humidity around 75-85% to mimic their native tropics. Make sure to give them access to both freshwater and saltwater for soaking and drinking. Feed them a gnarly diet with fruits, veggies, calcium, proteins and plant matter.

And finally, watch for signs it’s time for them to molt, and let them vibe solo while they shed their shell. Do this stuff, and your crab will be living large!

Signs of aging in hermit crabs

Like all living things, hermit crabs start to slow down as they get up there in age. But how can you tell when your crab pal is getting over the hill?

Watch for these signs of your hermit crab getting up in years: moving slower than their young days, decreased appetite, trouble molting out of their shell, discoloration in their shell, and lack of interest in chilling with tank mates.

It may bum you out to see your elderly crab becoming less active. But there are ways you can pump up their golden years!

Give them food that’s easier to eat, help create molting conditions, and provide chill spaces away from rowdy young crabs. Show them some extra TLC and they can still have awesome days ahead!


Well flip me over and call me a crab cake, we’re at the end of this post already! Let’s recap the sweet info we learned about hermit crab lifespans.

These awesome little dudes can live for over a decade with proper care and conditions. That’s way longer than other small pets! Give them a tricked out tank, perfect temps, delicious eats, and opportunities to shed their shell safely.

Help them avoid getting mangled by other animals or sick from illnesses. Do this, and your hermit crab could be the life of the party for years to come! With a little extra TLC, an aging hermit crab can still have radical golden years with you too.

So show your crab some love, and they’ll scuttle along with you for a very long time!

For more expert tips on maximizing lifespan, peep this great guide from Hermit Crab Answers:

Click here to find out about another awesome animal that you can find around coastal areas, the sea urchin!


Hermit Crab FAQ

How long can hermit crabs live as pets?

With proper care, hermit crabs can live up to 20-30 years as pets.

Do hermit crabs like to be held?

Hermit crabs often find handling stressful, but some may get accustomed to it over time with gentle and minimal handling.

Why did my hermit crab die suddenly?

Sudden death could be due to various reasons such as improper temperature, humidity, stress, poor diet, or underlying illness.

Do hermit crabs need a friend?

Yes, hermit crabs are social creatures and thrive in groups.

Can you put 2 hermit crabs together?

Yes, hermit crabs can live together and often enjoy company.

Do hermit crabs like to play with humans?

They don’t “play” in the human sense, but they can become accustomed to interaction in a calm, stress-free manner.

What kills a hermit crab?

Common killers include improper humidity/temperature, toxic substances in their environment, stress, and improper diet.

What are signs of a dying hermit crab?

Signs can include lethargy, refusal to eat, discoloration, and foul smell.

Should I let my hermit crab walk around?

You can, in a safe, escape-proof area, but always supervise to prevent accidents.

Do hermit crabs bite?

They can pinch if scared or threatened, but it’s not common behavior.

How do I make my hermit crab happy?

Maintain proper environment (humidity, temperature), offer a varied diet, provide enough space, and companions for social interaction.

How often do hermit crabs eat?

They should have access to food daily, but they eat small amounts and not necessarily every day.

Do hermit crabs recognize their owner?

There’s no concrete evidence they recognize owners like dogs or cats, but consistent, gentle handling might make them more comfortable around you.

Do hermit crabs need light at night?

No, they do not require light at night and dark periods are essential for their natural behavior and wellbeing.

Can hermit crabs crawl out of their cage?

They are skilled climbers and can escape if the enclosure isn’t secure.

Are hermit crabs for beginners?

They require specific conditions and maintenance, so they’re better for owners who can commit to their unique needs.


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